How to Set Short-Term Goals for a Salon?

Do you want to know how to set short term goals for a salon?

Understanding how to plan effectively for those so-called little daily tasks and routines is the number one key to building a sustainable business.

Sometimes, too many rules make goal-setting complicated.

But to build the salon of the future involves taking the right steps, no matter how small.

What You Will Learn In This Article?

This article talks about the simple things you can do daily to build a profitable salon. Salon business strategies in the form of daily actions to meet a mid to long-term goal.

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  1. What are The Short-Term Goals?
  2. Why Short-Term Goals are Important?
  3. How to Set Your Short-Term Goals for Salon?
  4. How to Define Short-Term Goals for Your Salon? (Examples)
  5. How to Measure Your Short-Term Goals?
  6. Conclusion

What are Short-term Goals?


Short-term goals provide a launching pad for achieving medium-term goals and long-term goals.

They refer to daily tasks and other routine activities within the salon to make it more organized, welcoming, and increase profits.

Short-term goals focus on things you could do in the salon to improve services, product quality, or customer relationships.

An excellent aspect of setting short term goals is in salon management software like Zolmi. Salon management software is a core working requirement for running a successful salon.

There is no salon without the client.

You need to provide an excellent client experience to keep them coming every time.

That’s where short term goals come in if you must have a satisfied customer.

Why Short-term Goals are Important?



Setting goals helps organize your salon activities along a particular line. It becomes easier to spend quality time on what will have an impact on the salon growth.

Reduce Resource Wastage

Human and material resources within a salon can, in some cases, be scarce. Therefore, setting short-term goals helps the salon owner know where to plow resources. You can reduce wastage when you channel your energy along the lines of specific purposes.

Makes Success Measurable

Seeing the salon’s roadmap in the medium or long-term increases your chances of success. To succeed as a business owner, set milestones, and pursue them.

Positive Vibes

Little rounds of successes serve as motivation to do more. Short-term goals give you something to look forward to every day when you resume for the day. It, therefore, gives you the impetus to try amid challenges and setbacks.

How to Set Short-term Goals for your salon?


Let's see some simple strategies for goal setting for a salon:

Set Smart Goals

Why not go beyond keeping the business open daily and responding to pressures?

How about working with specific plans and structures in place?

What are Smart Goals?


Specific goals will focus on questions like:

  • What are your salon goals in the short, medium, and long term?
  • Who do you need to work with?
  • Where will all the activities take place?
  • What are the tools you need?
  • When - what timestamps or frames do you need to work effectively?
  • How do you work and measure results?

You have a salon and spa that provides cosmetology, hair styling and cutting, nail treatment, and more. Your target is to increase profits in a way that affects the bottom line.


Measurable goals make it so much easier for you to track your progress, for instance:

  • Revenue - set the number of customers you would like to provide services to in your salon daily;
  • Customer satisfaction - make sure you use customer feedback forms like NPS (Net Promoter Score), encourage clients to leave a review on Google My Business or Facebook page.


In planning, look at the available resources, employees, and tools or resources you can use to increase your profits.

Setting a goal of hitting a target of 70 clients a day will only become a reality when you provide high-quality services, excellent customer relations, and create the right ambiance in the salon.


Unrealistic goals usually go with assumptions or poor planning and can stifle your salon business growth.

Why not dream big but starting small with realistic and timely goals?

Look at the available resources - money, time, and what you can do to expand your reach.

Hitting a goal of 150 bookings a day seems out of reach for just yourself, but not when you create a team.

Even if the high volumes come, your lack of capacity will result in poor service delivery. You will end up losing customers at last.

Therefore, set realistic goals and scale up over time.


Timing is an integral part of succeeding.

Adequate planning with checklists, timelines, milestones for each activity, and staff will bring you far more success chances.

Automate Daily Activities for Better Productivity

Excellent salon management software will take care of daily tasks and will automate your salon’s processes flow.

You could then focus your energy on more critical or productive salon activities, like delivering the best service to your clients.

How to Define Short-term Goals for Your Salon? (Examples)


Short-term goals differ from one salon to the other because of the business owner’s driving philosophy. Here are intriguing examples to guide you:

  • How to assign responsibilities to each staff?
  • Which hairstylist or staff should handle what responsibility?
  • How to manage daily cash flow?
  • Work roaster for the week.
  • Sourcing for content for social media promotions.
  • Schedule for social media promotions.
  • Managing office supplies.

How to measure your short-term goals?


Measuring short-term goals help you know when you are on track. It also guides the business owner in making adjustments or understanding when to celebrate success. How do you measure short-term goals?


Using a chart placed in a visible location in the office is a great way to check work progress. Also, some people are more comfortable using the computer to draw up their goals and tick the improvement level.

Appraisal Meetings

Having a specific time to review the week’s activities or months makes it easier to know the salon’s position. You can tell when the salon activities algins with short, medium, and long-term goals.

SWOT Analysis

A successful salon must identify critical success or failure factors using the SWOT analysis model. SWOT stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats.

What Should be My Short-term Goals?

  • Increase the number of customers by 80 every week.
  • Increase the level of customer satisfaction.
  • Provide additional value to the customer
  • Check staff productivity.



Once you understand how to measure your short-term goals, then you are on your way to a well-organized salon.

It will help to increase employee productivity and customer satisfaction at last.

But to succeed, each key aspect of the daily, weekly, and monthly tasks comes into consideration.

If you find this article helpful or have similar salon business ideas or experiences you would love to share with the Zolmi community, please leave a comment below. Also, we would be delighted to answer your questions, if any.


Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals.

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