Salon Christmas Tree Ideas to Dazzle Your Clients

Are you looking for salon Christmas tree ideas?

Nothing creates a holiday-like feeling during Christmas like a well-decorated Christmas tree.

Here is a guide on how to decorate a Christmas tree and make it stand out from the rest of the salons and spas.

Your clients will have something to admire and post on their social media channels.

What You Will Learn In This Article

The article focuses on ideas that a salon owner can utilize to make a perfectly decorated Christmas tree for their salon or spa.

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  1. What Are the Most Popular Christmas Tree Decorations For A Salon And Spa?
  2. When Should I Put Up and Take Down Christmas Decorations in My Salon?
  3. Conclusion

It all starts with finding a nice Christmas tree.

Are you worried that your space is small and won't accommodate a tree?

You don't need to get a very huge one that will take much space.

A cute little tree will also work magic.

To make a tree stand out from the rest of the salons and spa, here are some decorations you can add to it.

It doesn't matter whether the tree is live or artificial.

  • 1. Rollers

    Rollers are not for the hair only.

    They also make excellent Christmas tree decorations.

    Use rollers of different colors, but ensure they create a harmonized and coordinated look.

    Add combs and scissors to the tree to complement the look.

  • 2. Strings of Light

    Add a string of lights to the tree to make it bright and draw attention. 

    Lights make a tree beautiful, especially at night. 

    Remember, during this season, you'll be providing services even after it gets dark due to the high number of clients.

    The lights will beautify the tree as well as provide light.

  • 3. Tinsels

    Tinsels are cheap and are easy to decorate with.

    Select the colors that appeal to you most, and will match with other salon décor pieces.

    Add them to your tree and display window.

  • 4. Window Vinyl

    Salon window vinyl is a beautiful Christmas window display decoration and will draw even the busiest passersby's attention.

    Their uniqueness makes them hard to ignore. 

    Lucky you if you’ve a front window to display the vinyl. 

    Stick them perfectly on your salon window.

When Should I Put Up and Take Down Christmas Decorations in My Salon?


The question on when you should put up and take down the rustic Christmas decorations has always been a controversial debate.

For a salon, the earlier you put up the decorations, the better.

Remember, Christmas salon promotions will have already started by November.

There can never be any harm to accompany the promotions with Christmas decorations, to give clients the Christmas mood.

However, many factors can affect when you should put up the tree.

If you put an alive tree in November, it will dry out before Christmas comes in.

When using a live tree, wait until around one week to Christmas.

Use other decorations as early as November since they won't be affected by time.

When using an artificial tree, there are no limitations on when to put it up.

After Christmas is over, one thing that keeps on clicking the mind is when to take down the decorations.

People have different beliefs.

Some might argue that you should take down the Christmas decorations before the new year.

Others argue that if you’ve had success in the previous year, letting your decorations stay is a way of passing the blessings to the next year.

Should I Get a Live Or Artificial Christmas Tree For My Salon?

You can get a live or artificial tree for your salon, as they are both functional. If you're comfortable with getting a tree and throwing it away after Christmas, get a live tree. If you don’t want to spend more money next Christmas, go for an artificial tree.



As long as the decorations are not deteriorating, let them stay until you feel comfortable taking them down.

However, don't let them stay for too long.

No one wants to see a Christmas tree sending out strings of light in mid-February.

Make the most out of Christmas holidays with the above salon Christmas tree ideas.

Giving Christmas gifts is not enough; having decorations is essential.

Don't let your salon be boring. Decorate it perfectly using Christmas ornaments to create a relaxing and happy holiday mood for your beauty salon clients and staff.

It’s easy and inexpensive to create a thrilling and beautiful holiday decor.

And if you love these ideas or have some other ideas that you've used in the past ideas to promote your salon business, why not share it with the Zolmi community in the comment section below. We would be also delighted to answer your questions as well.


87 Festive Christmas Tree Ideas to Try This Year

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