How To Write Salon Complaints Procedure | Template

We all dream of delivering the perfect customer experience all of the time within our salon but the truth is we know that from time to time that dream can become a nightmare. 

Writing policies and procedures are not really the most exciting thing to do in our hectic day but you may soon learn that having a salon complaints procedure is a valuable tool for you, your team, and most importantly your clients.

One vital thing to remember in your salon and spa is that a complaint is a gift and taking client feedback onboard will 100% help your business long-term.

What You Will Learn In This Article?

In this article, you will learn how to create a complaints procedure for your salon and the benefits to you and your clients of having one. (Scroll down and where is a free download at bottom of this article)

Table of Content

  1. What Is a Complaints Procedure?
  2. How to Write a Complaints Procedure
  3. Who Should Respond to Complaints In Your Salon?
  4. How to Handle Complaints Outside The Complaints Policy
  5. Conclusion

What Is A Complaints Procedure?


Processes are often the core to business success and documenting one of the most important elements; the customer experience is essential.

Your complaint procedure should form part of your overall customer experience vision.

Every staff member should be fully aware of the procedures outlined in your complaints procedure preferably through engaging training than just being given a manual to read and this will ensure they understand the processes which impact the business and the client.

What Are The Customer Benefits of Having a Procedure For Complaints?

A successful salon recognizes complaints and can reduce them by letting the client know ahead of time the salon's aim is to please; letting the client know ahead of time that if he or she is unhappy salon clients with the service it will be resolved.

An advisory to this effect can be a colorful and amusing poster, clearly visible to all clients

What Are The Benefits to Your Salon In a Complaints Procedure?

  1. Ensure staff knows how to deal with or escalate a complaint
  2. Resolve issues quickly and effectively
  3. Reduces clients telling their friends of their bad experience
  4. Reduce negative online reviews
  5. Can turn clients into an advocate

Customer Benefits of Their Salon Have Process for Complaints

  1. Resolve complaints before they happen
  2. Quick resolution to their problem
  3. Understanding their complaint
  4. Believes their complaint is being dealt with
  5. Their feedback is appreciated

How to Write a Complaints Procedure


Where do you start?

You just need to think about what customer experience you wish to deliver within your salon and then mirror this into your salon's complaints procedure. 

Starting off with your salons’ mission statement is always a good start and including this at the start of your procedure document is highly beneficial to anyone reading it. 

Here is some inspiration for you when it comes to a mission station for your salon.

“Our salon and spa goal is to provide the best possible service to our clients. Our clients are number one and client satisfaction is our company motto.

We will always go to the limit to handle complaints in a friendly, effective manner to ensure our clients are satisfied. A full reply and satisfaction is our pledge".

Key Elements to Include In Your Salon's Complaint Procedure

  1. What denotes a complaint
  2. The best method of handling complaints
  3. Who can handle complaints?
  4. Who can assist with recording complaints
  5. What happens when a written complaint or an email complaint is made?
  6. Written responses to complaints
  7. How an employee should handle a verbal complaint?
  8. The do’s and don’ts with a complaint
  9. Dealing with difficult complaints/complainants
  10. Dealing with difficult and offensive customers
  11. Dealing with multiple complaints
  12. Complaints spanning more than one business outlet
  13. Unsubstantiated complaints
  14. Complaints about individual employees
  15. Refund Policy

Who Should Respond to Complaints In Your Salon?


An employee who receives a client complaint may feel the client has no basis for the complaint, in other words, the client is wrong. No client complaints should go unheeded or unsatisfied.

Every client complaint should be carefully heard and provided with a full reply. If an employee is the first to feel the client's wrath and feels he or she cannot resolve the complaint, the next step is to hand it off to a supervisor or service manager.

There’s a fine line between satisfying a client's complaint and being too generous in a settlement if in the event the client has a valid complaint.

Should you always give the client the benefit of the doubt?  Not necessarily. Every business suffers a small percentage of clients who are never satisfied and who go through life complaining about every small injustice. There are some clients you can never hope to please.

It all boils down to common sense PR.

How to Handle Complaints Outside The Complaints Policy


Sometimes, you will have to go to the end of the earth to resolve the complaint. What should be kept in mind is: satisfied clients provide salons with guaranteed repeat business. 

The same satisfied clients boost a salon's reputation providing a 10 times lifetime value compared to the amount of a single visit client, this according to nation-wide business reports.

Depending upon who the client is and the manner of the complaint, you may want to extend an olive branch with a gift certificate for a restaurant or another retail outlet.



Well, there is no time like the present so get started on your salon complaints procedure to ensure you and your team are aligned to ensure you're able to handle customer feedback effectively.

Got any questions or have tips or advice for other reader, leave them in the comments below.

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